Boomer Pets

Boomer pets are most often a key part of our lives. An estimated 50-60% of all American households count at least one dog, cat, bird, hamster boy hugging puppy or other pet as a member of their family. A lot of us probably grew up with a dog or a cat, or we got a pet for our kids when they were young.

Those of us who have had pets in our lives already know the benefits – and the responsibilities – of those four- legged furriers. But for others, it could be a whole new experience, especially if we’re approaching – or have already reached – a crossroads in our lives.

Our kids – the two legged kind – are getting ready to leave our nest, and we’re already feeling the void they’ve left behind. We find ourselves suddenly single and now living alone, even if only temporarily (or so we grandfather with dog hope). A life changing event has occurred for our parents and we feel that a pet might give them a new focus and companionship. Or we just feel we’re missing something and we want to add a new dimension to our household.

Depending upon the circumstances, a pet could provide the remedy. But first we need to decide the best fit, not only for us but also for the would-be pet. It’s another relationship – possibly a new one -- to which each side brings their own particular needs.

Boomer Pets – Advantages

We already know that pets can be the source of unconditional love and companionship. At the end of our day, a wagging tail, a contented purr, a chirp or even a look, can all be satisfying and even catthera- peutic. Studies have shown that spending fifteen minutes a day exclusively with our pet can lower our heart rate and blood pressure, reduce our stress, and make us feel more energized. It can even be an exercise partner, espe- cially if it’s one that also loves to walk – or run!

For all that they bring us, our boomer pets are completely dependent upon us for their very existence. Food, water and shelter are just the basics – sanitation needs, mainte- nance, veterinary care and just our daily attention are all essential to their well-being. So it may be that this new – or renewed -- sense of purpose is the greatest advantage of all, particularly at this stage in our lives.

Learn more from the following links!

Go to Choosing A Pet

Go to Pet Care

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